Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Feeling Stabby

Some days, it is simply hard to focus.

Those are the days to avoid working with the bees.

Yesterday, the smoke wasn't coming out right - I was alternating between dragonfire and snuffed candlesmoke. I was pushing to get done before dark. I was rushing through steps and feeling awkward.  And I was dealing with a whole new crop of emerged workers, who had never been worked before, and they were cranky about the whole process.  I think the worker who stung me was as surprised as I was that she was angry with me.

I never quite got to that Zen moment where I am just breathing and working with my bees.

I completed all my steps. I dosed the ladies and brood with some powdered sugar to help with the mites.  I smashed dozens of hive beetles.  I marked down in my journal where the grubs were and where the honey was and where the new comb was being drawn.  I removed a couple of queen cups so that she wouldn't raise other queens and swarm off.  I found the queen, and she seems happy.

And after getting stung, I pulled on some gloves - I have been working without them -  so I wouldn't risk reacting to a sting and dropping the frame.  I even harvested a couple of teaspoons of honeycomb, to share with Kathe.

I did what I needed to.  But days like that, when I am a little off of my game, and the ladies are feeling stabby, it might be best to just put the work off for a little bit.

                                              Sting count: 1.  Cumulative sting count: 1.

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